Thursday, March 17, 2011

One of the Greatest Games Ever Made


   For the past week I have been replaying The Orange Box. This was the first game I got for the Xbox 360 and I haven't played it since Christmas 2007. Last night I beat Half-Life 2 and the entire time I was playing I kept thinking about how great this game is. The story was done well and kept me intrigued. The pacing felt like I was in an action movie that never slowed down or got boring. My heart was racing the entire time I played. The characters each had a unique personality and felt like real people rather than cookie-cutter cliches(excuse the alliteration).

The Abridged Version

   In summary, I think this is one of the best, if not the best, video game ever made. Even though this has been out for years, I think it's a better game than nearly all the console games released within recent times. If you've never played this game then do yourself a favor and go rent it. And if you have played it, play it again so you can remember how much fun it is.


  1. I just recently got the orange box and finished all of HL2. Which now begs the question, when is HL3 finally coming???

  2. blah blah blah mr. freeman. The video basically sums up those games perfectly.

  3. hes like the best hero Mr. Freeman

  4. good game, nice post

    + follower:)

  5. I spent countless days playing that game and all the mods. CSS (I know, kill me) was fantastic

  6. i support this post. Half Life 2 was a blast! Hard to find single player games like it. And then the multilayer mods like Counter Strike just keep you going

  7. I played 1 and 2, but never finished either. I really should.
